Social Security Cards Given To Illegal Migrants
Award Winning Journalist Lara Logan Tells Audience What Border Patrol Told Her
On Saturday July 30th in Tempe, AZ at the “Arizona Election ~ Security Forum”, the very Emcee of the Event, the Journalism awarded Journalist Lara Logan stated what she learned from the Border Patrol.
Lara Logan stated - “You look around you and you know they don’t actually believe in citizenship. And now when people come across the border illegally, I have this confirmed from border patrol agents who are actually, physically doing this, they get given a Social Security number. They get assigned a Social Security number when they cross. I’m not sure how many of you are aware of that. And if you really want to know where the cheating starts, it’s long before you get to the polls. Think about it, it starts with the census. It starts with counting illegals in the census.”
If what Lara Logan is stating is in fact true, this would make sense from a Biblical evil world perspective, as this is where we all live.
This is an August 1, 2022 update to the original article but its just a thought - The real reason all these illegal immigrants may be coming here and given a Social Security Card may be due to a severe labor pool shortage due to the 63+ million abortions that have taken place since 1973.
If we go back to 1973, people would be 49 years old and younger, that is the very active work pool work age.
“Economists also analyze the LFPR for those prime-aged workers, aged 25–54.” (
So this “open borders” may be just a side hustle to build up the American labor force while not bringing up the blatant evil of the legalized killing of human beings.
The Bible states we all live in an evil world and that was the precise reason Jesus Christ came here, that He might deliver us from it.
Galatians 1:3-5 - “Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
4 Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:
5 To Whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”
It’s time for all to wake up from the Satanic-Masonic 247+ year “American Dream Delusion” that equalized Jesus Christ with Satan in 1791 and openly gives Federal Tax dollars to Satanic churches, repent and seek the Lord Jesus Christ with all heart, soul, mind and strength.
A reminder to all who may not know this, America openly honors Satan and has been since February 1980 -
Once knowing the above, do you still want to sing “God Bless America”? Wake up!!!